This page lists several statistics on Vietnam Veterans from the 1- year 2016 American Community Survey (ACS) Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) Person file. The ACS person file covers 50 states, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. My intent is to build out the page by adding more ACS variables gradually. All the code and data are avaialble on GitHub. You may find it useful to check out the ACS PUMS technical documentation from US Census Bureau’s website.
Vietnam Veterans: 6,333,434 (Male 6,128,677 / Female 204,757 )
-11.8% (-846,424)
55 - 64 years: 19.56% (Male 1,158,558 / Female 80,399)
65 - 74 years: 69.07% (Male 4,265,884 / Female 108,386)
75 - 84 years: 10.14% (Male 628,379 / Female 13,667)
85 - 94 years: 1.21% (Male 74,327 / Female 2,154)
95 - 104 years: 0.03% (Male 1,529 / Female 151)
Total: 68 years (Male 69 / Female 66)
American Indian/Alaska Native 0.7%
Asian/NHOPI 1.3%
Black 9.6%
Other 1.2%
White 87.2%
Very well 72.8%
Well 16.7%
Not well 8.1%
Not at all 2.4%
Born in the U.S. 95.5%
Born in Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas 0.9%
Born abroad of American parent(s) 0.6%
U.S. citizen by naturalization 2.6%
Not a citizen of the U.S. 0.4%
Divorced 16.4%
Married 69%
Never Married 5.7%
Separated 1.5%
Widowed 7.4%
One time 59.3%
Two times 28%
Three or more times 12.7%
Yes 0.5%
No 99.5%
Yes 0.6%
No 99.4%
Yes 1.1%
No 98.9%
Grandparents live with grandchildren 4.4%
Grandparents DO NOT live with grandchildren 95.6%
Grandparents responsible for grandchildren 39.8%
Grandparents NOT responsible for grandchildren 60.2%
Less than 6 months 7.1%
6 to 11 months 6.8%
1 or 2 years 16.1%
3 or 4 years 14.2%
5 or more years 55.8%
Less than High School 6%
High School Graduate 29.6%
Some College 36.9%
Bachelor’s Degree 16%
Advanced Degree 16%
Not in Labor Force 72.1%
Unemployed 1.1%
At Work (Civilian Employed) 26.2%
With Job NOT at Work (Civilian Employed) 0.6%
Private sector 63.3%
Public sector 17.6%
Self-employed 19.1%
$0 - $19,999: 25.1%
$20,000 - $39,999: 29.3%
$40,000 - $59,999: 19.8%
$60,000 - $79,999: 10.6%
$80,000 - $99,999: 5.4%
$100,000+ : 9.7%
$0 - $19,999: 78.6%
$20,000 - $39,999: 6.7%
$40,000 - $59,999: 5.1%
$60,000 - $79,999: 3.4%
$80,000 - $99,999: 2.1%
$100,000+ : 4.2%
With a disability 32.9%
Without a disability 67.1%
Has SCD rating 23.3%
Does NOT have SCD rating 76.7%
0%: 4.2%
10 - 20%: 28.8%
30 - 40%: 14.2%
50 - 60%: 10.8%
70 < %: 37.2%
Not Reported: 4.8%
Has difficulty dressing or bathing 5.5%
Does NOT have difficulty dressing or bathing 94.5%
Is deaf or has serious difficulty hearing 17.1%
Is NOT deaf or does NOT have serious difficulty 82.9%
Is blind or has serious difficulty seeing (even when wearing glasses) 5%
Is NOT blind or does NOT have difficulty seeing 95%
Has difficulty doing errands alone (e.g. visiting doctor’s office, shopping, etc.) 8.3%
Does NOT have difficulty doing errands 91.7%
Has serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs 17.5%
Does NOT have difficulty walking or climbing stairs 82.5%
Has difficulty concentrating, remembering or making decisions 7.5%
Does NOT have difficulty concentrating, remembering or making decisions 92.5%
Covered 99%
Not Covered 1%
Public Health Insurance Coverage (Medicare, Medicaid and VA)
Covered 87.7%
NOT Covered 12.3%
Private Health Insurance Coverage (Employer, Direct-Purchase and TRICARE/CHAMPUS)
Covered 66.8%
NOT Covered 33.2%
Employer or Union Based
Covered 40.1%
NOT Covered 59.9%
Direct purchase
Covered 25%
NOT Covered 75%
Medicare (65 and older or certain disabilities)
Covered 81.1%
NOT Covered 59.9%
Medicaid (Low income or disability)
Covered 9.5%
NOT Covered 90.5%
Covered 15.2%
NOT Covered 59.3%
VA Healthcare (Used or Enrolled)
Covered 40.7%
NOT Covered 59.3%
Indian Health Services
Covered 0.5%
NOT Covered 99.5%